Home Members News 14 04 10 OTN websites NOT affected by "Heartbleed"

OTN websites NOT affected by "Heartbleed"

OTN's Security and Operations team would like to assure you that connections to your OTN websites were not affected by the recently released vulnerability to OpenSSL nicknamed “Heartbleed”. OTN takes the security and privacy of your data seriously and considers it critical that we react to any potential security issue as quickly, effectively, and transparently as possible.

Since the release of the vulnerability, our Security and Operations team have worked to understand the attack vector and ensure that all OTN products are secure.
Finally, we recognize that you may be wondering how to test non-OTN websites and we have included a free tool that allows you to test any website for this vulnerability. 

If you have any questions, please let us know at security@otn.ca.