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Content Analysis and User Characteristics of a Smartphone-Based Online Support Group for People Living with HIV

Content Analysis and User Characteristics of a Smartphone-Based Online Support Group for People Living with HIV

Mental Health and Addictions
September 2016

Author(s): Tabor E. Flickinger, MD, MPH, Claire DeBolt, BA, Erin Wispelwey, MSc, Colleen Laurence, MPH, Erin Plews-Ogan, BA, Ava Lena Waldman, MHS, CHES, George Reynolds, Wendy F. Cohn, MEd, PhD, Mary Catherine Beach, PhD, Karen Ingersoll, PhD, and Rebecca Dillingham, MPH, MD

Source: Telemedicine and e-Health, Vol. 22 No. 9, September 2016

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, behavioral medicine, m-health, mobile app, online support groups, qualitative analysis