Home Publication Repository The Impact of Mobile Health Interventions on Chronic Disease Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

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The Impact of Mobile Health Interventions on Chronic Disease Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

The Impact of Mobile Health Interventions on Chronic Disease Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

mHealth, Home Monitoring, Mobile Devices
January 2014

Author(s): Andrea Beratarrechea, MD, Allison G. Lee, MD, Jonathan M. Willner, MD, Eiman Jahangir, MD, Agusti´n Ciapponi, MD, and Adolfo Rubinstein, MD, MSc, PhD

Source: Telemedicine and e-HEALTH Vol. 20 No.1 January 2014

Keywords: chronic disease, mobile health, short message service, cellular phone, developing countries, systematic review