Home Publication Repository Telemedicine-Based Treatment Versus Hospitalization in Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Exacerbation: Effect on Cognitive Function. A Randomized Clinical Trial

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Telemedicine-Based Treatment Versus Hospitalization in Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Exacerbation: Effect on Cognitive Function. A Randomized Clinical Trial

Telemedicine-Based Treatment Versus Hospitalization in Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Exacerbation: Effect on Cognitive Function. A Randomized Clinical Trial

July 2014

Author(s): Lone Schou, PhD,1 Birte Østergaard, PhD,2 Lars S. Rasmussen, PhD,3 Susan Rydahl-Hansen, PhD,4 Anna Svarre Jakobsen, MD,4 Christina Emme, PhD,4 and Klaus Phanareth, PhD5

Source: Telemedicine and e-HEALTH July 2014: Vol 20 No. 7

Keywords: telemedicine, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cognitive function, neuropsychological testing, cognitive performance, randomized clinical trial