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Learning & Meetings

Learning Centre

Discover how the Learning Centre increases your access to educational opportunities and the reach and attendance for events you host.


Discover how webcasting extends the reach of your events beyond rooms equipped with videoconferencing equipment. 


Discover how to dramatically reduce your travel and conference costs through OTN's Webconferencing Service.


Leverage OTN’s network to provide cost-effective professional education opportunities or administrative events such as group and/or one-to-one meetings. OTN offers fully integrated conferencing solutions including videoconferencing, webcasting and webconferencing. 

By enabling cost-effective dissemination of health education and best practices, OTN enhances access to the collective intelligence of health care providers across the province and reduces travel costs.

Learn more about how Virtual Conferencing works in this video:

Government of Ontario
OTN is an independent, not-for-profit
organization funded by the
Government of Ontario.

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