Home Our Blog – Transform Filling The Knowledge Gap For Seniors' Care In Ontario

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About Allan Zahara

Allan Zahara

Allan Zahara (former OTN employee) was Manager of Learning and Meetings, OTN's Virtual Conferencing suite of solutions including webcasting and webconferencing.

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Filling the Knowledge Gap for Seniors' Care in Ontario

Written by Allan Zahara
 on March 31, 2014

Ontario’s aging population presents major challenges to our healthcare system. Among these is a growing knowledge gap on how to properly care for the province's elders.

Caregivers today face complex and challenging issues, often with limited training and support. They may battle complications associated with dementia, frailty, falls, drug interactions and more. In Living Longer, Living Well, a report to inform the Ontario Seniors Strategy, Dr. Samir Sinha, provincial lead, Ontario Seniors Strategy, addresses the need for us to support a skilled health, social, and community care workforce.

“Our current core and postgraduate training curriculums […] provide limited exposure towards understanding the specific issues that are related to caring for an aging population,” the report says.

“The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care should support the collaborative working of the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) […] to create and manage an online repository of educational presentations that help health, social, and community care providers acquire additional knowledge and skills in the care of older adults.“

On April 1, 2014 the Ontario Telemedicine Network will launch the Ontario Geriatrics Learning Centre (OGLC) in collaboration with the province’s thought leaders. The OGLC is an innovative space where health and social care professionals are able to share their knowledge and expertise. The site will feature a growing library of on-demand webcasts covering a range of topics – from osteoporosis and improved outcomes to mental health and palliative care. Visit http://geriatrics.otn.ca to view this exciting new resource.

Posted in Geriatrics

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