While the majority of the province can rapidly access primary care, specialists, or urgent care, many First Nations are living on-reserve in remote communities, including fly-in communities, and do not always have direct access to care.
OTN has formed positive relationships with First Nations communities and partner organizations, such as KOeHealth Telemedicine Services and the Chiefs of Ontario. OTN works with communities and partner organizations to identify how Telemedicine can help connect them to health care partners. Telemedicine is utilized in both on-reserve communities as well as aboriginal points of care.
Benefits of Telemedicine in Aboriginal Care
In 2013/14 thirty new Telemedicine systems were deployed to First Nation on-reserve communities to support programs that aid in withdrawal management of opioid based substances.
Partnerships are a central component to the success of adoption of telemedicine in Aboriginal communities. Partnerships include: KOeHealth, Chiefs of Ontario, TFNHSOC, and Metis Nation of Ontario.
OTN is an independent, not-for-profit
organization funded by the
Government of Ontario.