Home Node OTN's scheduling software, Ncompass, continues to improve!

OTN's scheduling software, Ncompass, continues to improve!

Earlier last year OTN released a number of new features to its scheduling software, Ncompass, to make scheduling a telemedicine event online easier, faster and more convenient. Thanks to your on-going feedback and support, OTN continues to improve Ncompass to support efficient, hassle-free scheduling.

On Thurs., May 7th, we’re pleased to announce the release of even more Ncompass enhancements. New features allow you to create recurring events and help you better organize, track, and search for events that you’ve scheduled. These enhancements enable you with greater control over your scheduling needs and make it easier for you to coordinate virtually with peers as outlined in OTN’s Guidelines for Telemedicine Scheduling & Patient Care Coordination.

Below is a list of new features:

Create Recurring Events:

  • You can now schedule recurring events! A series of recurring events can be created with customized frequency and occurrence. Each series will be given a unique ID, enabling you to view and edit events within the series at any time.

Pending Clinical Event Notifications:

  • On the “View my Events" link in the navigation bar, you’ll now see a red number indicating how many events in your list are unapproved. You’ll also see a red dot next to the unapproved events in “My Events List View”. These events can be approved directly on the page.

Adding Search Criteria to “My Events” Page:

  • New helpful filters in the “Event Finder” allow you to search for events that take place, or were created, within a certain date range, and search events by patient and/or consultant’s name.

Enhanced view of “My Events” Page

  • Your upcoming events listed under “My Events” will now be grouped with their associated events, making it easier for you to view or print all.

Updated Links in Resource Section

  • Some useful links have been added to the Ncompass “Resource” section in the left-hand navigation bar, including a link to OTN Directory, OTN’s Guidelines for Telemedicine Scheduling & Patient Care Coordination and upcoming learning events.

To learn more, view the Ncompass enhancement training video, read the Ncompass release notes, and/or sign up for a Ncompass Enhancements Lunch and Learn session.

These features should enhance your current scheduling practice. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these updates, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Thank you,

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