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OTN has enhanced the eConsult experience

Important changes for eConsult Users

OTN is happy to confirm that as of November 1st, the eConsult provincial pilot has been continued to September 30, 2016, after which it is expected that OTN’s eConsult application will become a standard service available province-wide to physicians. 

Since the pilot, 80% of physicians using eConsult agree that it provides a positive experience for patients and that 40% of unnecessary referrals to specialists have been reduced.  With the average response time at 3 days across all regions, 99% of physicians agree eConsult improves the patient experience.

OTN has enhanced the eConsult experience!

Based on your feedback from the initial phase of the pilot, OTN has made changes to the eConsult application to enhance the navigation and communications between referrers and specialists.

We have also integrated the eConsult application on OTN’s telemedicine platform, OTNhub.ca - Ontario’s online telemedicine community for providers that supports patient care and peer collaboration in a single, virtual environment.   

Important changes you need to know

As of November 27th, there are changes you need to be aware of to continue to enjoy the convenience of eConsult:

  1. All users now log-in to eConsult using https://otnhub.ca  instead of https://econsult.otn.ca.  Click on “sign-in” at the top right hand corner.   You will then sign-in as you normally do using your current credentials.

  2. You will be asked to review and agree to user agreements with OTN this one-time.  Upon acceptance, you will land on the OTNhub.ca welcome page.   Click on “eConsult” in the products and service listing below to access it.

  3. The eConsult application will look very different.  While all your cases remain in the application, we encourage you to review the training tutorial to understand how and where to find your information.
  4. All support for eConsult has been fully transitioned from OntarioMD to OTN to include:  technical support, training and orientation, and any account changes or updates that may be required to support your continued use of eConsult.  You can call OTN Customer Care Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm at 1-855-654-0888.

What to expect with the new eConsult features

While all eConsult users will experience a new look & feel to the application with more intuitive navigation; auto save features to avoid loss of keyed-in data; updated notification options for email and out-of-office alert settings and multi-file uploads, there are also some  specific changes for both referrers and specialists:

New Enhancements for Referrers:

  • Case filters: Easy viewing in categories such as “needs attention”, “waiting for response”, “completed”, “cancelled”, “drafts”.
  • Access to OTNhub’s directory and other services.

New Enhancements for Specialists:

  • Select appropriate action:  Such as “provide consult”; “request for information”; and “decline consult”.
  • Time tracker: Simply indicate your time spent on each consultation, along with comments to support remuneration. Additional details on remuneration will come from OntarioMD early next week.
  • Improved Workflow: You no longer need to indicate if a case is complete.
  • Your professional profile is published in OTNhub’s directory for referrers to view and connect with you according to your preferences.

How to Get Started

To help get you oriented to the new eConsult experience, we have a video information tutorial  for referrers and specialists to better understand the log-in experience and the feature changes, along with a variety of other supporting information. We have also prepared an FAQ to help address some of your questions.

If you prefer a presentation of the changes, OTN also conducts Lunch N’ Learn sessions. For your convenience, we have special eConsult webinar sessions available November 27th and  December 1 & 3rd at noon, and then weekly thereafter.  To register, go to the Lunch N’ Learn calendar and select a session that best works with your schedule.

We’re here to help

We understand you may have additional questions about eConsult and the OTNhub online telemedicine community.  As always, please feel free to contact OTN Customer Care, Monday-Friday, 7 am to 7pm at 1-855-654-0888, should you have any questions or need technical support.

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