Home Node OTN launches app review site PracticalApps.ca

OTN launches app review site PracticalApps.ca

OTN has launched a new website designed to offer primary care providers a critical look at mobile health apps for common chronic conditions. It’s a collaboration between OTN and the Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care (WIHV).

The aim of the site is to help physicians identify -- of the estimated 165,000+ health apps now available in the marketplace – the ones that are credible and have utility for both themselves and patients. As well, the resource is designed to empower doctors to be more fully informed champions of their patients’ care.

“We’re helping doctors help their patients self-manage and monitor their health wherever they are, using their phone or tablet,” says Dr. Ed Brown, OTN CEO. “Many of these apps also monitor and record important information that can be made available to inform the doctor’s care plan.”

The first review looks at four migraine apps. Upcoming topics will include hypertension, diabetes, low back pain and insomnia. The reviews are conducted by family doctors who rate the apps for clinical validity, usability, privacy and security, accessibility, safety and reliability. The site also features videos of experts in the field offering insight on treatment.

While targeted to primary care providers, PracticalApps.ca is accessible to all and free of charge. Users can subscribe for content updates. The site is also accessible pre-login via the OTNhub.

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