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Georgian TM 101 Course

OTN is working in partnership with Georgian College for a Clinical Telemedicine 101 course to provide clinicians with the knowledge to foster clinical telemedicine with the next course starting January 27, 2014.

The program is conducted through OTN videoconferencing and Georgian online modules. Student topics include: change management, TM terminology, clinical and educational etiquette, TM regulations, the promotion of your program and the future TM.

This course has been created to support the increasing demand for knowledge to grow clinical TM and replaces the one day workshops OTN ran previously. The course does not replace OTN learning modules on how to use specific telemedicine equipment. It is a requirement for LHIN funded TM Nurses who have not attended one of the OTN workshops.

Tuition is $135.00 paid to Georgian college at the time of registration.

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