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Nominate a Nursing Star

National Nursing Week recognizes nurses for the outstanding role that they play in improving the health of Canadians. For the second year in a row, OTN will be launching a province-wide contest to select 5 telemedicine nurses who are excellent ambassadors for virtual care in Ontario. Winners will be chosen based on their degree of professionalism, commitment and service to the patients, families and providers using telemedicine.

We need your help to spread the word and make this year`s contest an even greater success. Please see below for a detailed FAQ:

Who is the contest open to?
The contest is open to all nurses supporting clinical telemedicine (not just LHIN-funded telemedicine nurses). 

Where can members go to nominate someone?
We have created an online form to accept nominations. To access the form, simply visit otn.ca/nursing-award-nomination

When is the closing date?
All nominations need to be in by April 4th, 2014.

How are the winners selected?
A panel of OTN staff will be reviewing all nominations and selecting five exemplary nurses based on key criteria, including, but not limited: demonstration of OTN’s core values, initiatives to grow their telemedicine program, and positive contribution to supporting telemedicine in Ontario.

What does the winner receive?
OTN will be showcasing the winners on our corporate website, through social media channels and via member communications, such as OTN Update. Winners will receive a personalized Nursing Star award, a congratulatory letter from OTN, and a letter back to their employer. In addition, we will be featuring the winners in a video file, highlighting their contribution to the success of their telemedicine program.

When will the winners be announced?
During Nursing Week, May 12th – 18th, 2014.

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