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About Stewart Stein

Stewart Stein
Stewart Stein is the Manager of Store Forward including Otn.teledermSF, OTN’s store forward dermatology program. Contact Stewart

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"VPN–ectomy" for Otn.teledermSF

Written by Stewart Stein
 on November 26, 2013

One consistent piece of advice we always hear from users of OTN services is this… “Make it simple”. Making things simple is, well, hard! For example, it would be ideal if Otn.teledermSF, OTN’s store forward dermatology program, could be integrated with EMRs so that data could automatically pre-populate the required fields. With at least 15 popular EMRs in use in the province, the task of integration is challenging (and expensive). OTN, however, is certainly looking at ways to do this.

One simplification we have been able to apply is the elimination of the need to use VPN for Telederm. Effective immediately, users of Otn.teledermSF no longer need to login via VPN first (also known as Cisco AnyConnect) in order to access the service. Instead, users can go directly to https://sf.otn.ca and login to the program. Please be sure to use https, not just http, as https ensures a secure session.

OTN has been able to eliminate the need for VPN by implementing a new automated password reset service (available at http://tm.otn.ca). Previously, passwords could only be reset by VPN. With the introduction of the new password reset tool, VPN can vanish.

The VPN-ectomy will make it even easier for our users to access dermatology consults in less than 5 days. If you are a primary care provider or a dermatologist and you’d like your own Otn.teledermSF account you can sign up online. There is no cost for the service and you can use virtually any digital camera to take photos. Note, you will still need VPN for other OTN services like Telesteth. For now, VPN has been eliminated just for Otn.teledermSF.


Posted in Teledermatology

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