![]() | Among the many score of floral tributes at my great grandfather’s funeral – he had eight devoted children – was a full-sized rocking chair made entirely of flowers. Leaning against one arm of the chair, a floral version of his cane. They were emblematic of the last decade of his life; it was the way we always knew him, saw him. He was 88 when he died.
I often think of his life and his death as I chat with various sandwich-generation friends who are exhausted and defeated by the responsibility they feel for their aging parents.
How different are their parents’ last chapters than my great-grandfather’s or even my grandparents’. Having worked hard all of their lives, they were... |
This is not a paid political advertisement. It has not been authorized by anybody. But it is relevant to the federal election.
Bemoaning the general lack of reference to health care in the campaigning so far, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) recently published an article – Election 2015: Health Issues Primer – about five things that should be on the federal election campaign agenda – but aren’t.
I am pleased to report that telemedicine – and by that, I mean OTN! – is already having an impact on three of the five healthcare issues.
Mental Health
The Mood Disorders Society of Canada... | |
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le Gouvernement de l’Ontario.