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Remote patient monitoring benefits patients and healthcare system


According to data from William Osler Health System, users of Telehomecare experience reduced in-patient visits.

Remote patient monitoring benefits patients and healthcare system
Written by N/A
Appears in Canadian Healthcare Technology
Published on October 2014

EHRs & The Digital Loop


Telehomecare facilitates patient self-management of chronic disease.

EHRs & The Digital Loop
Written by Dave Webb
Appears in Connections+
Published on September/October 2014

Virtual Critical Care (VCC) Units


Health Sciences North (HSN), has launched its Virtual Critical Care (VCC) Unit that incorporates Videoconferencing and electronic medical records.

Virtual Critical Care (VCC) Units
Written by Renée Fillier
Appears in RNAO eHealth Newsletter
Published on September 2014

E-visits are redefining the 21st-century house call


OTN's Teledermatology program is cited as an example of an e-visit platform that results in shorter wait times for patients.

E-visits are redefining the 21st-century house call
Written by Jelena Djurkic
Appears in MaRS (Blog)
Published on August 27, 2014

Telemedicine association to create accreditation program


Dr. Ed Brown, CEO OTN, speaks to the development of an accreditation program by the ATA.

Telemedicine association to create accreditation program
Written by Dan Cook
Appears in BenefitsPro
Published on August 4, 2014

NHH offers special chronic pain management session


Northumberland Hills Hospital offers patients access to Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix's pain management program via Videoconferencing.

NHH offers special chronic pain management session
Written by Cecilia Nasmith
Appears in Northumberland Today
Published on July 29, 2014

Local News: NHH expert in mindfulness-based chronic pain management uses telemedicine to bring patients relief from chronic pain


The Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management Program uses Videoconferencing to connect patients.

Local News: NHH expert in mindfulness-based chronic pain management uses telemedicine to bring patients relief from chronic pain
Written by Northumberland Hills Hospital
Appears in Northumberland View (Press Release)
Published on July 28, 2014

Implementing Telestroke in Canada


A report commissioned by the Canadian Stroke Network calls for greater adoption of Telestroke services across Canada.

Implementing Telestroke in Canada
Written by N/A
Appears in Canadian Stroke Network (Press Release)
Published on July 16, 2014


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