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Expanding Tele-Mental Health Care


Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences uses OTN's Videconferencing for tele-mental health.

Expanding Tele-Mental Health Care
Written by Dr. Ian Dawe
Appears in #MindVine Blog (Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences)
Published on July 15, 2014

Access to mental health care doesn't hinge on more psychiatrists: study


Telepsychiatry is cited as a means to assist patients who need treatment but live in remote locations.

Access to mental health care doesn't hinge on more psychiatrists: study
Written by Sheryl Ubelacker
Appears in CTV News (myHealth)
Published on July 15, 2014

Healthcare That (Almost) Makes House Calls


OTN's Videoconference service is used to provide confidential counselling to cancer patients.

Healthcare That (Almost) Makes House Calls
Written by Donna Faye
Appears in The Chronicle-Journal
Published on July 9, 2014

Improving Access to Francophone Mental Health and Addictions Services


Francophone residents in the South West LHIN will be able to access French-speaking psychiatrists using OTN's network.

Improving Access to Francophone Mental Health and Addictions Services
Written by N/A
Appears in South West LHIN exchange
Published on July 2014

Telehomecare for COPD and Heart Failure


Telehomecare is self-management program for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic heart failure (CHF).

Telehomecare for COPD and Heart Failure
Written by Sharon Rose Airhart
Appears in Hospital News
Published on July 2014

Telemedicine network hinges on face-to-face video experience


OTN's network is comprised of 1,200 physical sites and has saved patients and health care professionals millions of kilometres of travel.

Telemedicine network hinges on face-to-face video
Written by IT World Canada Staff
Appears in IT World Canada
Published on June, 2014

2014 Stroke Report shows more are surviving, but more challenges are coming


Telestoke facilitates diagnosis and treatment recommendations for stroke patients in Ontario.

2014 Stroke Report shows more are surviving, but more challenges are coming
Written by N/A
Appears in Heart & Stroke Foundation [Press Release]
Published on June 5, 2014

Delivering Long-Term Diabetes Care at Home: A Telemedicine Pilot Project Aims to Improve Quality of Life for Patients with Chronic Disease


This article was previously published in the Summer 2014 issue of The Diabetes Communicator. The Diabetes Communicator is distributed as a benefit of membership to all Diabetes Educator Section (DES) members of the Canadian Diabetes Association. For more information, please visit: www.diabetes.ca/publications-newsletters.


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